Why do you cook?

Jodi Frank
3 min readMay 2, 2020


I know, on the surface it might seem like a silly question, and, you might not have ever thought about it. But, we have observed a trend during our research that is quite interesting- there are two types of cooks. Those who see it as household chore, as something they have to do, and those who cook for the experience. I find it really fascinating.

When I started working on Culineer my mission was to provide a digital solution that would save time for people to complete the chore of cooking. The pain of deciding and being ready to prepare meals day in and day out was something I could related to. With two working adults and two busy kids in our home the daily grind of that decision was annoying.

As I conducted my research about this problem the story about this common problem many face became more clear: It’s 3:00PM I’m starting to wind down the work day, I start thinking about everything I need to do when I get home which may include running kids to activities and homework, and dinner. More often than not I didn’t take the time to plan for dinner the night before, so I start flipping through Pintrest looking for ideas and then realize I’m not sure what ingredients are available at home so I pick up another rotisserie chicken or other convenience item which leaves me feeling guilty knowing I could do better.


I just don’t like the daily grind and the CHORE of making meal time decisions day in and day out. The fun of cooking for me is circumstantial it comes around when I’m throwing a dinner party or getting together with friend to cook or bake. When this happens its different, its challenging, it’s fun! (see cookie moms story) I’ve heard my mom tell people that I’m a gourmet cook. I’m far from a gourmet cook it but I am adventurous in the kitchen when the circumstances present themselves. When I set aside the time to plan to attempt a new dish. Often this will coincide with a gathering of friends or family. So, there it is for me. Cooking is a pain in the butt chore, and its an enjoyable experience depending on the situation.


As I continued my research and learning about the needs of people likely to use our mobile solution, I have uncovered a trend. Millennials, particularly men are cooking for the fun. They get together for meat Friday’s, they work week after week trying to perfect a pizza crust and they challenge themselves to tackle new cuisines they find on YouTube. (see Mike’s story) I’ve heard many descriptions about this during my research which can be summed up to this: It’s a challenge, its relaxing and provides immediate gratification — that can be consumed. I can relate — this is the way I feel when those circumstances present themselves to me. So, even though it seems like it’s a guy thing, girls partake too. Just not as often. I’ve gathered some observations about that too but will save it for another story.

So — why do you cook?



Jodi Frank

Customer focused problem solver. Founder of What’s for Dinner Technologies and our mobile app - Culineer.